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To Buy or Not to Buy Organic

Organic food was once only available at health food stores, marketed to consumers willing to pay extra for natural, environmentally friendly foods. Today, it's available at most grocers. People who buy organic are seeking assurance that food production is gentle to the earth, and/or they're looking for safer, purer, more natural foods. But with today's shrinking dollar, is buying organic worth the extra cost?

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Hit Your Targets... Not Too High

For nutrients we sometimes get too much of (fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium), your daily goal is to total 100% or less of the Recommended Daily Value. There is no Recommended Daily Value for trans fat, but experts recommend keeping intake as low as possible.

Did You Know?

Some important vitamins and minerals are not required to appear on the Nutrition Facts Label (although the manufacturer sometimes chooses to list them). For example, a serving of beef stew is an excellent source of vitamin B12 and zinc, but the amounts and % Daily Value may not be on the label. To learn about the nutrients in each of MyPyramid's food groups, go to





Healthy Eating

Eating Essentials

Time to make some changes in your diet? Learn all about the food guide pyramid, remarkable vitamins, the best super foods, calorie requirements, and more.

Balancing Act

The new food pyramid gives you the best choices for your busy lifestyle. Learn why getting closer to the guidelines is a good step in the right direction.

How to select whole-grain foods packed with fiber and vitamins, plus easy ways to fit more whole grains into your diet.

Discover more about vegetables -- from dark green to orange to starchy. Find out how many vegetable servings you and your family need each day.

Learn all about fruits, how many servings you need daily, and what fruits can do to boost your health.

Discover the different types of protein foods included in the meats and beans group. Find out how much you need daily from this group depending on your age, sex, and physical activity.


Learn about the different types of dairy products that are high in calcium and low in fat. Discover how many servings you and your family need each day.

Find out if you are eating healthy fats or unhealthy fats. Learn more about healthy oils and how many servings you need daily.

Learn all about the different food groups and calorie and portion sizes you and your family need each day.


From A to zinc, discover all the remarkable vitamins that can boost wellness and help you feel great.

Learn more about essential vitamins women need to stay well. Find out if you’re getting all the necessary vitamins for your age and stage of life.

Discover why whole foods are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients for good health.

Learn about antioxidant powerhouses and how these immune-boosting foods keep you well.

Necessary Nutrients

Is your diet be missing these seven essential nutrients? Find out now.

Try these 10 super foods that are easy to eat and packed with multiple nutrients to help you stay healthy.

Learn how much water is necessary each day for good health and how many common foods such as apples and yogurt are mostly water.

Discover all about the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and why these good fats should be added to your daily diet.

Mealtime Strategies

Discover how breakfast can make the difference in learning at school, productivity at work, and how well you stick with your diet.

Bored with brown bag lunches? Learn how to move beyond PB&J, so lunchtime becomes a gourmet feast without a lot of work.

Want yummy dinners but have no time to cook? Take a few minutes to learn about quick and easy mealtime options.

Discover seven tips for eating at work that can improve your desk-dining experience.



Guide to Nutrition Labels

The Nutrition Facts Panel is your guide to making the most nutrient-rich food choices while staying within your daily calorie budget. You'll find it on most packaged foods in the supermarket and frequently on Nutri-Facts posters and brochures for fresh foods such as produce, fish and meat.

Here's what the Nutrition Facts label shows you:

Serving Size

The serving size for this food is one package. All the nutrition numbers listed are based on this amount. Compare the serving size to the amount you eat and adjust the numbers as needed. For example, if you ate only half the package of this food, you'd divide the numbers shown by two (e.g., 130 calories).

Servings Per Container

Note this number carefully! This package contains one serving, but sometimes even small packages contain more than one serving.

Nutrition Numbers

The label lists the number of total calories and the number of calories from fat in one serving. Also listed are the grams of total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, protein and milligrams of cholesterol and sodium. Sometimes labels list extra information. For example, this label lists the grams of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat and milligrams of potassium.

Percent Daily Values

These percentages show how much of each nutrient one serving provides in a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. For this label, one serving of food provides 11% of the total fat and 15% of the calcium recommended for the day.

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